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Drill/Color Gaurd 

Drill consists of a series of movements performed in a unison manner by the division marching. Different commands like columns, flanks, and rear marches are used to achieve a standard routine. The most common JROTC drill teams consists of squads and platoons. Along with those there is also armed and unarmed drill. Members of the Armed Drill Team will learn how to perform marching drill, stationary drill, as well as drill with a Springfield Drill rifle. Drill competitions are one day events that typically consist of color guard as well. Drill has competitive seasons between the months December and March. 


The competitive Color Guard is an extracurricular Army JROTC team responsible for presenting the flag in a variety of settings.The Color Guard is a group of four cadets that are entrusted with the United States and State flag at ceremonies and competitions. Presenting the Colors is a military tradition dating back to the beginning of our country; The ceremony flourished in the Civil War era. When performing a Color Guard, these four cadets form a line involving two rifleman and two flagbearers. The members of the Color Guard practice drill and ceremonies, proper wearing of the uniform, as well as the proper ways to show respect to our nation's flag. Competitive seasons are December through March and multiple competitions are held throughout those months. 


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